Funny Science Jokes Funny Science Quotes

20 Funny Science Jokes, According to Someone Who Once Got a B-Minus in Biology

These jokes about physics, chemistry, and everything in between are scientifically proven to get a laugh.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Whatta pill

A chemist walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist, "Do you have any acetylsalicylic acid?"

"You mean aspirin?" asked the pharmacist.

"That's it! I can never remember that word."

Check out some more of our favorite chemistry jokes all science nerds will appreciate.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

When three scientists go on vacation

A physicist, a biologist, and a chemist were going to the ocean for the first time. The physicist saw the ocean and was fascinated by the waves. He said he wanted to do some research on the fluid dynamics of the waves and walked into the ocean. Obviously he was drowned and never returned.

The biologist said he wanted to do research on the flora and fauna inside the ocean and walked inside the ocean. He, too, never returned.

The chemist waited for a long time and afterwards, wrote the observation, "The physicist and the biologist are soluble in ocean water."

Want to improve your science skills? Check out these science facts you never learned in school!

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

A class act

A frog telephones the Psychic Hotline. His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him, "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you."

The frog is thrilled! "This is great! Will I meet her at a party?"

"No," says his advisor, "in her biology class."

Need more laughs? These biology jokes really cell themselves—give them a browse!

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

But ask first

Q: What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome?

A: Pull down its genes.

For more brainy science jokes, check out these jokes that will make you sound like a genius.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

But the proton is 86-ed!

A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a beer. The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

(Eds. Note: The neutron is a subatomic particle with no net electric charge. Don't feel bad if you didn't get it. I had to look it up.) Plus, here are some more of our favorite jokes about people and things that walk into a bar.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

If you're going to their house for dinner, you might want to eat before

Three statisticians go hunting for deer. They spot one off in the distance. The first one shoots about a meter too high; the second one, about a meter too low; the third one yells, "We got it!"

Speaking of deer, get a laugh out of these hilarious animal jokes.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

They had a certain chemistry

Teen 1: Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together??
Teen 2: OMg!

(Eds. Note: OK, this one had to be explained to me, too, so I'll pay it forward: Oxygen is represented in the periodic table by O, while magnesium is Mg. "OMG, Now I get it!")

Looking for funny puns? These rock puns will make you laugh out loud.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

One experiment too many

Famous last words from chemists:

1) "And now the taste test…"

2) "And now shake it a bit…"

3) "In which glass was my mineral water?"

4) "This is a completely safe experimental setup."

5) "Now you can take the protection window away…"

Here's why you might just be a genius if you laugh at dark jokes like these.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Sage marital advice

The doctor tells a woman that she has only six months to live. He advises her to marry a chemist and move to Toledo. The woman asks, "Will this cure my illness?"

"No," replies the doctor, "but it will make six months seem like a very long time."

Thought that was funny? You'll love these hilarious cartoons about love and marriage.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Cutting the red tape

Q: How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Four. One to change it and three to write the environmental-impact statement.

If you thought this was good, check out these bad jokes—they'll actually make you laugh out loud.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

This joke stinks!

A dung beetle walks into a bar and says, "Excuse me, is this stool taken?" If you thought that one was good, you'll love these April Fools' jokes—they'll get you a couple chuckles!

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Now playing on Cinemax …

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot and asks him what he sees. The patient says: "A man and woman making love."

The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: "That's also a man and woman making love."

The psychoanalyst says: "You are obsessed with sex."

The patient says: "What do you mean I'm obsessed? You're the one with all the dirty pictures."

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Behave yourself!

After sex, one behaviorist turned to another behaviorist and said, "That was great for you, but how was it for me?"

(Eds. Note: I didn't laugh at this gag until someone told me that behaviorism puts scientific observation of behavior above theorizing about unobservables like thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In other words, since this guy couldn't observe himself, he refused to opine whether or not he had fun. See, I told you it was funny.)

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Elementary, my dear Watts!

Q: What was the name of the first Electricity Detective?

A: Sherlock Ohms.

Read these hilarious space puns for laughs that are out of this world.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Next time, call a doctorium

Q: What do you do with a sick chemist?

A: If you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well barium.

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

Scientists explained

A biologist, an engineer, and a mathematician were observing an empty building. They noted two people entering the building and sometime later observed three coming out.

The biologist remarked, "Oh, they must have reproduced."

The engineer said, "Our initial count must have been incorrect."

The mathematician stated, "Now if one more person goes into the building, it will be completely empty."

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Funny-Science-Jokes-According-to-Someone-Who-Once-Got-a-B-Minus-in-Biology Tatiana Ayazo /, shutterstock

It took a lot of coaxing

They have just found the gene for shyness. They would have found it earlier, but it was hiding behind two other genes.

Next, keep your brain and your funny bone happy with these funny jokes about physics.


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