Agaiast the Law Sticker on Read Vehicle Window California

- Mar 20, 2000
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- #2

- November eighteen, 2005
- 28,799
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- #3
dammit shell meOriginally posted past: ElFenix
how well-nigh stickers on simulated windows?

- Jul 15, 2003
- 81,395
- 14,492
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- #4
If a cop looks in the window and his opinion is its blocking too much visibility, you lot're disrepair.
Y'all might be able to become argue it in court, but thats too much hassle, and you dont desire to take to do information technology constantly.
Better to check with the DMV and see if theres a max legal size.
- Mar 3, 2000
- 49,901
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- January 6, 2002
- 21,856
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- #6
I read it and it looks like vii inches is the max size, the one I ordered is 24x10, I see cars all the fourth dimension with signs equally big so I estimate fifty-fifty with a law against it, it doesn't seem to be enforced? With my luck I'll be 1 of the ones who really gets pulled over because of it haha.Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
- #vii

- January 11, 2006
- 17,310
- 12
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- #8
Realistically, as long as you have a passenger side mirror (to continue with front windshield and driver's side mirror), you should non become hassled past the constabulary almost annihilation to exercise with your rear window.Originally posted by: QueBert
I read information technology and information technology looks like 7 inches is the max size, the one I ordered is 24x10, I come across cars all the time with signs as big then I guess even with a law against information technology, it doesn't seem to exist enforced? With my luck I'll be ane of the ones who actually gets pulled over considering of it haha.Originally posted by: oldsmoboat

- Aug 17, 2000
- 21,207
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- #ix
(b) This section does not utilise to any of the following:Originally posted by: QueBert
I read it and it looks similar seven inches is the max size, the 1 I ordered is 24x10, I see cars all the time with signs as big so I guess even with a law against it, information technology doesn't seem to be enforced? With my luck I'll exist ane of the ones who really gets pulled over considering of it haha.Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
(eight) The rear window or windows, when the motor vehicle is equipped
with outside mirrors on both the left- and right-paw sides of the
vehicle that are so located equally to reflect to the driver a view of the
highway through each mirror for a altitude of at least 200 anxiety to
the rear of the vehicle.
Can yous run into back 200 feet with your mirrors?

Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
- #ten

- Jan 6, 2002
- 21,856
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- #eleven
I would answer your question yes, but I read over that folio twice and didn't see what you quoted lol.Originally posted by: Squisher
(b) This section does not apply to any of the following:Originally posted by: QueBert
I read information technology and it looks like 7 inches is the max size, the ane I ordered is 24x10, I come across cars all the fourth dimension with signs as big so I estimate even with a law against it, it doesn't seem to be enforced? With my luck I'll be ane of the ones who actually gets pulled over because of information technology haha.Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
26708(8) The rear window or windows, when the motor vehicle is equipped
with outside mirrors on both the left- and right-hand sides of the
vehicle that are then located as to reverberate to the driver a view of the
highway through each mirror for a distance of at least 200 feet to
the rear of the vehicle.Can y'all see dorsum 200 anxiety with your mirrors?

- #12

- January half-dozen, 2002
- 21,856
- 280
- 126
- #13
haha it'due south for my business organization, it's not something I want, well I practice want it to help my business. I'd never advertise some sports squad or anything like that.Originally posted past: AgentUnknown
Please exercise not have a huge raiders logo or Nike air swoosh
- #fourteen
- #15
I've driven for 9 months without a front license plate, which I know is a cheap fix-information technology ticket. Probably effectually 50% of the cars effectually hither don't article of clothing their front plate (it's a academy, then people taking upwards residency sometimes come up from states where only i plate was required, and nosotros only don't experience like drilling holes into the bumper)
- #16
- #17
- #18
LOL simply driving home today I saw a Ford Ranger with a huge swoosh on its tailgate. I accept no idea why.Originally posted by: Darthvoy
I've seen cars with big nike signs on the back windows here in cali. I just don't get why...are they trying to say Nike made their cars???
- #nineteen
While this is true...nobody cares.Originally posted by: ICRS
Having anything hanging on your rear view mirror is too illegal in California. Dice, Placards, etc are all illegal to hang in California.
- #20
You lot aren't required to have three restriction lights. Lots of cars out there that don't. Information technology may depend on the year the car was made whether that is something which is enforced.Originally posted by: thomsbrain
You don't even demand a rear window at all (call up well-nigh a moving van or truck for instance). But you must have an un-obscured third brake light. Keep your stickers off your lights and you should be fine.
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Agaiast the Law Sticker on Read Vehicle Window California
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