Hi Tor Animal Care Center Facebook

Nonprofit Overview

Community Stories

12 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

General Member of the Public

Rating: 2

I worked at Hi Tor for 1.5 years. You would think that dealing with the public is hard, dealing with the staff and Board of Directors was more than horrible. Now in late 2021 there are plans for a totally new building, I certainly hope none of the baggage (Board of Directors) of years past is allowed in the operations of it. I have never seen a more toxic and hostile workplace in my entire life. Good managers were driven out and lied about after decades of service and some directors hired their incompetent friends who would cover for them. There was a madman running the place from 2013-2018 and I took great delight when he was finally out and his reign of terror was over. He was a thief and he sat around making everyone else work like a slave while he surfed the Internet and smoked. I still have three animals that I adopted when I was working there and they continue to bring me much joy. Hoping that the new shelter treats the public, the workers, the volunteers and above all the animals much better.

winesabon Volunteer

Rating: 4

Hi Tor is under new management. The manager is much more efficient than the past one. She has also promoted some staff to assistant managers. The animals are well cared for and everyone there is happy. The cages are always clean and the cats fed. They get lots of love

The Board is another matter. This Board should be ousted and new people put in. Many times the Board must not pay bills and so they run out of cat litter or garbage bags. Something is always it seems not paid for so shipment is held up. This has nothing to do with the animals.

Review from Guidestar

amykieran General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

"Adopted" our beautiful kitten and received devastating news that she was dying of a virus and we couldn't have her. Waited three weeks to bring her home but constantly had to deal with their ineptitude and overt lack of caring from manager. First issue was an upper respiratory infection and then a much more serious disease which was a form of feline parvovirus. Woman who I spoke with was unkind and cruel in suggesting to us that the kitten was not officially ours yet. When I asked her if there was another kitten we could adopt she responded, "probably not, most of them are sick right now soI can't guarantee your cat will not die." what an absolute disgrace.

llw7 Volunteer

Rating: 5

Since I've started volunteering at hi tor in January I've seen lots of improvement in a short time. Considering they are working with extremely limited resources they most definitely maximize the use of every square inch as effectively as possible. The staff is always very helpful if I have any questions and if they don't know the answer they will direct me to another staff member that does. With all the improvements in just 6 short months I can only imagine the greatness ahead!

wsdogg General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Hi Tor got a grant for a new shelter - none was ever even started nor are there plans for it., They have NEVER updated the shelter with the grant money they got. The animals there are now facing euthanasia because of the boards mismanagement of money. None has gone to the shelter but instead into the boards pockets! The GOVERNOR, MAYOR, and citizens need to get involved to get rid of this stinking board and hold them accountable and prosecute them for taking grant money and not spending it on what it was intended for!!!!!

Review from Guidestar

I adopted a 13 week old kitten from high tor last august of 2017.this was my first experience adopting an animal and would be my first time ever being a cat owner. the staff was super nice and extremely knowledgeable about the animals they had available. i felt very confident when choosing my cat knowing she would be the right fit for our family thanks to the information provided by the staff.

Review from Guidestar

Christal M.

Christal M. General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Looking for a 2 year old tan and white Chihuahua lost in thiells on rosman Rd she got out of my mother's house she's a therapy dog my mom has a bad heart enphasyma and diabetes that's all she has since all her kids are grown and on their own please contact if you seen her 8452707754 my mom's maid Joanne

2 Kate G.2

Kate G.2 Client Served

Rating: 5

Went in and looked for a new cat. Found a three year old that had been there for a couple of years. Brought him home, only to find that he is the best cat we have ever have. A sweety. Someone or many have been lovely to him. Thank you for being there. I would definitely respect the persons there and the animals that are cared by a wonderful crew. Best, Kate


pdibiase Client Served

Rating: 5

I adopted my cat from Hi Tor. They were so helpful in getting me started, I had never had a cat before. They helped me learn what would be best for him.
They try so hard to help all the homeless animals find a forever home.

Review from Guidestar


Writer Former staff

Rating: 1

Just read the other two reviews and was shocked as to how accurate their assessment was. I worked there for over a year. I saw a few very committed board members ( who have since resigned) try to implement new rules to better run the organization, only to find that some board members and the shelter management are completedly untrainable (sadly, like most of their dogs.) No regard for change, which would allow for growth. Stubborn and steadfast in the "old way" of doing things. Board members "going rogue"'and making decisions that should be, BUT NOT, voted on, as a board. There's a reason they can't shake their own previous bad reputation. They continue to act badly! That place will never change. Or grow. Or prosper. As long as they retain the same board members and shelter management, they will continue to live "paw to mouth" in the same dilapidated structure. You can't help people who don't want to help themselves. The only ones who suffer will be the animals. I "had" to select one star, in order to rate Hi Tor. That was being generous.

No stars. If you knew how poorly run and unprofessionally this shelter was managed, you'd find another more worth-while cause to donate to. Fractured board, protocols and procedures followed by the whim of some. No accountability followed by those in charge. Anyone smart and effective leaves because they realize that knocking your head against the wall is more productive. Sad but true. They will never have a new facility when they can barely run the existing one.


Ringoandchico2 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

Poorly run. No qualified, effective or experienced shelter manager in place. No business procedures and protocols adhered to. Disunity between the board members. Complete dysfunction of daily management of the shelter and staff. No behavioral training of their dogs. No socialization of their animals other than (maybe) one walk a day by a volunteer. Rude and unprofessional office staff. They'll never raise enough money for a new shelter because they keep having to fundraise just to keep their heads above water. Donating to this organization is throwing good money after bad. Other than the Treasurer, the entire board of directors, shelter manager and top 3 supervisors should be replaced immediately, if there is ever going to be a chance for growth and change. As a "business model " Hi Tor is a complete disaster and disgrace.

Review from Guidestar

Hi Tor Animal Care Center Facebook

Source: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/hi-tor-animal-care-center-inc

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